M-ONE technology improves EAF performance at Ekinciler, Turkey.

5 July 2021

The EKINCILER DEMIR VE CELIK SAN. A.S., located in Iskenderun (Turkey), is a leading producer of reinforcing bars with an annual capacity of 1.25 million tons which just upgraded its 110t Electric Arc Furnace with our M-ONE chemical energy technology.

All existing oxygen/carbon injectors and copper blocks were replaced with MORE’s state-of-the-art chemical energy package including M-ONE combined injectors and machined copper bulged blocks complete of FLASH-STOP system to avoid damages caused by backfires.

Our chemical energy package has improved the overall EAF performances decreasing electrical energy consumption and power-on time compared with previous oxygen/carbon injectors.

MORE has currently a scorecard of 80 EAFs equipped with M-ONE technology in operation or under manufacturing world-wide.